Friday, June 4, 2010

Random Photo # something!

Although today's only Saturday, we're now off for a glorious Pui-O Sunday.

This means I want to be out of here fast, so I have my fingers crossed that the universe chooses a photo I don't have to talk about.

You know the photomancy rules, right?  A photo chosen with eyes shut!  OK!

Ah, the airport at Luang Prabang in Laos where I was looking around and thinking "Oh man, this is Nadi Airport to a tee!"

I could tell you a story about Nadi Airport but I really don't have time.  OK, let's just say a quick word about once seeing a photo on the cover of a certain unnamed American Conspiracy Theory Magazine - however, if you want a hint, the initials are "BR" - and you could just discover the name if you google "anthrax deaths" - wherein, inside, they claimed this photo was proof of something quite odd going on within the Muslim World - and I instantly recognised the photo purporting to be of something going down in Indonesia as one my sister - who works in PR - had taken at Nadi Airport and was so particularly unsinister that she'd used on the cover of some big corporation's annual report.

And that's all you're getting about that event.  Pui-O, here we come!

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