Thursday, November 4, 2010

And They Wonder Why the Rest of the World Doesn't Like Them!

I am flabbergasted.  It is beyond my comprehension that this should have occured.
Have you heard about it?
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has congratulated Tonga on its celebrating 40 years of independence, despite Tonga never being a colony.  AHHHHHH!  
I mean, don't these people have advisers?  Or even fact checkers?  Even if they don't know these things themselves - and being in a position of authority, you'd think they would have a little general knowledge - you'd think at least ONE person somewhere in their vicinity would at least have an inkling of an idea about the rest of the world?  Or at least check before letting some idiot open her mouth on a subject!

This is like an exercise in How to Offend Other Nations.  Tonga is a kingdom, and proudly so, and never ever allowed itself to become a colony, so the fact Clinton didn't know this about them is such a slap in their face!

And to confuse Tonga and Fiji?  Two nations with several thousand years of rivalry, raiding parties and war between them!  BIG ERROR!!!
We all know she meant Fiji!  It's our beloved vanualoma that's just turned 40.  And we also all know that Fiji became a colony because it was under threat from America, who wanted it so to grow cotton and had already begun slaughtering entire villages of Fijians to make way for planations, and so gave itself to Queen Victoria for one hundred years to protect it from spurious American interests. 
And thus it is WE who have been Independent for 40 years.

And to think America doesn't even remember what it did to us back then!  Do they really think that intending genocide of another sovereign people is something so ho hum that they can simply FORGET!

And have they also forgotten they are currently trying to get a piece of Fiji to build themselves a naval base?  (Please, please, please Fiji, don't let them do this!!!)
And besides every other consideration, do you know what this stupid mix-up has just done?  By amply demonstrating how little these people know about us, it's alienated the entire Pacific!  And right at the moment in history when China is attempting to woo our islands for their own possibly nefarious purposes!  Bad, bad, bad timing, Hillary!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

National Lampoon once published a really silly map of the world called "The Rest of the World a/c to America" filled with stuff like captions over countries saying "Just like us." and "Tin Pot Despot-Countries" and "Too poor to even think about" ... and Ronald Reagen's Administrative advisers actually kept this map pinned to the wall at the White House and used it as the primary reference for decision-making. Even National Lampoon said it was too frightening to be flattering.