Thursday, November 11, 2010

What Really Kills Us This Week!

Have you heard?  This one would be hilarious if it wasn't just so sad.

You know that British Prime Minister,  David Cameron, is currently in China on trade talks, right?

Well, yesterday was 11/11, Remembrance Day, when you wear a poppy in your lapel in memory of the soldiers who died in World War One, and also all other soldiers who have fallen in battle.

And you already know that the poppy-wearing stemmed from the aftermath of The Battle of Flanders, when countless millions died horribly, yet within weeks millions upon millions of poppies sprung up where they died.  In those dark, dark days, this was seen as a sign and a blessing ... so people began wearing the poppies to remember those fallen soldiers.

Nothing whatsoever to do with China, right?

Anyway, yesterday, David Cameron and his posse were visiting with all sorts of important Chinese types and it turned into a right pouty snit-fest and the Chinese demanded the British visitors take the poppies off.  The British refused and now it's all bad blood all round.

As it turns out, what happened was that the Chinese saw these poppies as the British taunting them.  Saying, in effect, "Hey guys, WE won the Opium Wars!" and they were furious!

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with this one.

So that's my choice for this week:

Cultural misunderstandings
threatening trade agreements,
and then some!

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