Sunday, November 14, 2010


For those of us in the know, look what The Colour Goddess has just put out:

Trish Guild, for those sad souls who aren't already into her, has absolutely the BEST eye for colour I have ever come across.  I even once sat through an entire film, "Copy Cat", despite it being desperately stupid and offensive - how can anyone not know that killer-heels are called 'killer' for a reason, and how can they still believe that women just stand there going "Oh, oh, oh!", like they're in "Perils of Pauline" or something, while they're being murdered - simply because the Sigourney Weaver character's house was decorated in Trish Guild fabrics.  

No one EVER has put together colour combos in such a way as to make me literally ache the way Trish Guild can!  I ADORE her!

Anyway, am busy today so ...

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