Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec!

Hong Kong is all damp, rainy and cold at present so, late yesterday afternoon, we decided to say "Goodbye Cruel World" and vanish into a film.  Any film! So we walked down through the rain to the cinema in Admiralty ... and there was nothing we wanted to see. You would not believe the crap showing at the moment. The only thing that appeared vaguely watchable was the Swedish film "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" however it was full. Not a single seat available.

There were seats in "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec".  "It is an extraordinarily silly romp. And in French too." says Keith "However, it appears the best of the rest."  and so we went in.

And let me tell you that "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec" is indeed an extraordinarily silly romp, but of the very best kind.

It's a female Indiana Jones, all sangfroid and chic, and just a rollicking good yarn.  I now plan to see it again while it's still showing in the cinemas.  I also may get it for the kids for Christmas, despite it being in French.

About four Christmas's back, I sent them the film "Pan's Labyrinth" despite it being in Spanish and ....

... well, Baby Jane rang me in a right hissy fit.  "What on earth where you thinking?" she yelled at me.  "These are just kids. It's a horrible, horrible film."

"Have you watched it?" I asked.

"No, I only saw the bit where they shot the rabbit poacher."

"Well, you watch the entire film and then you ring me back and then you can scream at me."  I told her.

Several hours later, she rang me back.  She was crying.

"It's the most beautiful film I've ever seen in my life." she said.

OK, "The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec" won't have that effect on you, but it's just a great deal of fun and I can highly recommend it.

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