Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Kills Us This Week!

Odd days in HK. What's happened is that, two days ago, Wikileaks released a whole slew of new secret documents including one that has HK scratching its collective head in great bewilderment and saying "What choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?"

$3 million secretly given by the US State Department to HK's Democracy Movement, to strengthen the fight for democracy in Hong Kong!!!

Like, "Are you kidding us?" are the words thrown around every single registered Democracy Movement organisation headquarters in our beloved SAR, and there's a mad scramble as everyone talks to everyone else, trying to track down who got the money! 

And the answer has come back, definitely and definitively ...


I'd like to think this will lead to some great big witch hunt back in Washington for whoever is embezzling funds and using our name, and for our own safety I wish they would, but I don't have high hopes because I've been here before.

Many years ago, back in the mid-80s, when we were teaching in the Australian Outback, some big newspaper leaked secret documents about the Queensland Government's spending and was railing against the waste of tax-payers dollars, listing some of the 'ridiculous projects' it had funded over the past few years.  Since several of these "ridiculous projects" came very close to home as they involved the very Aboriginal kids we were teaching, everyone around us was all "What choo talkin' 'bout, Willis?" as they too scratched their heads in collective bewilderment because, although these projects did exist, they were grassroots self-help organisations that had never received a single cent of government funding, let alone the millions they'd supposedly been given over the years.

Nothing came of that. Yes, folks registered complaints every place they could, and even went to the newspaper to interest them in a follow-up story that possibly would have taken it all to a very proper and righteous level of exposing corruption and embezzlement in the State Government of Queensland, but, alas, it never came to anything, most likely because ... well, you know!  Time to roll out your favourite Conspiracy Theory!

And now we're back here again!  And I think just as much will result this time from this leak!

But this time, it's far more serious!  Last time, the fall-out was more along the lines of Aboriginal rappers getting mighty miffed that they'd not got the new equipment and costumes the government documents said they'd been given! This time it could lead to China being incredibly nasty to us here in our SAR, with all that entails.

Hong Kong is only just now realising ... and I'm sure today's papers will be full of it ... that this leak will have far-reaching consequences for us all!  I have the greatest respect for Old Townsvillian Julian Assange and what his organisation is trying to do, and I'd LOVE to think this leak will result in the right people getting into a great deal of trouble, but this isn't what is going to happen!
It won't be them who lands in the proverbial doggy do-do. It will be us. By last night, it was clear everyone realised and various Democracy Movement leaders had already started the "Not only did we never see the money, but we NEVER would have taken the money if it had been offered."

Giving us this money means the Hong Kong Democracy Movement is a stooge of the US State Department, and China is always more than willing to think all Democracy Movements - and like Urghar Movement for autonomy in Mongolia - are being paid for back in Washington and that we are all American stooges and Democracy is all a CIA plot to control the world!

But I wish China would simply take on board that this whole thing is most likely a cover for money being spent elsewhere, maybe on a new house on a beach somewhere in, say, Acapulco, for some retiring US senator-type and that we Believers-In-Democratic-Freedoms aren't the stooges of any one at all!

But my choice for what kills us this week can only be one thing:


The Bloody Matrix!!!
And how close things always come to home!

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