Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hermes Birkin Bags, HK

The Formidable and Frankly Frightening Miss Miller, while in HK, wished to purchase a new handbag and decided it would be orange leather and hoped it would be a Hermes Birkin.

Thus, being a dutiful and docile imperial subject - she used to be my boss - I went on a quest to find her such a prize and scored BIGTIME, discovering the most gorgeous Birkin bag imaginable in orange ostrich-skin that made even me drool and on which they promised a huge discount. But stupidly, I didn't ask exactly what that meant in terms of the price.

Then, feeling very pleased with myself, I took The FAFFM.M. shopping and showed her the bag and she was thrilled with it and as drooly as I was ... and then she asked for the discounted price.

HK$250,000!!!! Of course, they'd kindly taken it down from HK$500,000!

FAFFM.M. instantly went all social-conscience (like, exactly how many plumpynuts would that buy all those starving African kiddies), was furious and almost threw the bag away from her then stalked out without saying another word. And now she no longer trusts me as her personal shopper.

Nonetheless and in consequence we are now going tomorrow to visit Mong Kok for a spot of serious ... well, can't say! It's illegal.

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