Friday, September 5, 2008


OK, so it isn't as yummy as I'd hoped, but I actually think it's as good as I can make it. Only the colour for the roof left to go:

Mmmm, just realised now the photo has uploaded that you can't really see it here, but, dear Rayna, you can get some idea. Tomorrow I'll take a closeup of the designs around the door so you can get a better idea of what I've done about incorporating the colours you suggested.

And here's a look at the side of the house. Kept it all really simple, but the lilac-y-purple I came up with to go with that very difficult sienna is so exactly right I've named it "Talei Lilac". I doubt I can ever duplicate it. Seven mixes to come up with something that I thought worked and then two others to perfect it. Felt mighty chuffed with myself when I got up the next morning and saw it from the window.

Talei's just pointed out
that something weird
has happened in this photograph.
Can you see it on the side there?

Finally, here's the back of the house:

Jane wants me to repaint that door turquoise as well and she wants identical designs to what I've done on the front. Don't mind at all since I'll just duplicate it and so there won't be any more of those desperate days of angst-ridden, self-doubting, furious fiddling around trying to get it right.

Also, if you're thinking this whole back looks unfinished, you're right. Around the back here, there's going to be a terrace with a fire pit at the end - Jane and I just adore fire pits ever since we traveled up the coast of Queensland together back in 2000 and several of the places we stayed at had them - but those are the next projects and several weeks away too so I won't be having any input. Sad really, since I think she should make it much, much longer than she intends.

So, what do you think. Oh, and we finally decided that it's a GUESTHOUSE! Ella was calling it "The Party Pad", Talei was calling it "The Teen Den", I was calling it "The Writer's Retreat", Jane was calling it "The Artist's Retreat" and everyone else was still calling it "The Pool House"!

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