Monday, September 22, 2008

The True Story about the Chairs! North Queensland

About these chairs. There are many stories going around about who actually owns them ...

The four chairs in dispute.

... but I'm here to tell you the true story of the matter.

See, many years ago, Martin was hunting for a new sofa and enlisted my help. Naturally, being Martin, he wanted to go to all the trendiest and most expensive outlets, however, because I'm rightly convinced that sofas from the 50s and 60s are far superior to any made today - vastly better built and with nicer shapes - I believe that in order to get value for your sofa dollar, the first place you look is in second-hand and junk shops, where you can select a beautifully and strongly made one with a nice shape and then get it reupholstered in a fabric of your choice. Martin totally disagreed but I over-rode him and so he was reluctant and downright sneery when I dragged him around various NQ junk shops to look.

And then, in one of these dusty old shops, we saw four of the above chairs - A$80.00 for the set - and I fell in love with them. He thought they were hideous and said so in many different ways but I wouldn't leave without them ... only I didn't have $80-00 on me so I borrowed it from him.


But then, because he didn't have any furniture in his new flat and I have too much, I said he could borrow them until he didn't need them anymore.

But he hated them so much, he gave them to a mutual friend who wanted to do up her place in a 60s theme and asked her to hold on to them for me. That's ME, right! Hold on to them for ME!!! (OK, OK, I know I hadn't yet returned him the $80.00 but he only had to ask!)

But then the BIG THING happened: Vogue Magazine did a feature article on Australia's most famous designer of the 2oth century, Oz's answer to Eames and Phillip Starke ... Grant Featherstone ... and guess what picture appeared on the cover of the issue?

Yup, this very chair!

And there it was in big letters, the name Grant Featherstone alongside the chair, and it was all on the cover too so you didn't even have to buy the magazine to see it ... you just had to drop by a newsagents or supermarket and voila! "Hey, that's the chair!"

And inside, the article even said this very chair was a great Oz icon and gave it a huge rave ... and quoted the formidable price you'd have to pay to buy one today ... and that's when the stories started to change and EVERYONE involved took a bow and claimed they'd immediately recognised it as a Grant Featherstone original and congratulated themselves on how they'd snapped it up themselves for a song!

But NO! The truth of the matter is that no one recognised them as anything and I just liked the shape of them ... and since I've still got too much furniture I'm fine with them staying right where they are provided it's recognised that THEY ARE ACTUALLY MINE!!!


Anonymous said...

Actually, they're original Grant Featherston "Scape" armchairs made in 1960 and they're worth about $4000 EACH and Martin continues to rigorously dispute pretty much every point in your version of events and they're all MINE! Bwahahahahahahaha! (see ) Love, R xxx

Denise said...

Martin is WRONG!!! My version's the correct one! Also, logic dictates my righteous position on this. Like, does Martin own any Hokusais he picked up for a song. Or original Barcelona chairs. Or any other pieces of anything even vaguely "EUREKA!" and "YEE HA!" like wot I do!

Oh yeah, he has those lovely milk-shake containers that are worth so much more than he paid for them, and I'm the one who told him to buy those!

So, since I've always been the so-lucky shopper, it stands to reason that my version is the correct one!

Hey, imagine the war that'd break out if you ever decided to sell 'em! So please don't!