Saturday, October 16, 2010

Black Rose. "Voices of Nature."

My lovely hubby Keith has totally redeemed himself by finding, in a music store in Hong Kong, a CD of Fiji's very own Black Rose; their 2000 breakthrough album called "Voices of Nature" ... and so is now forgiven for messing up my 28,000 photographs by reorganising them and putting them in totally different folders which don't make much sense to me.

I appreciate how much effort he's put into it, I really do, but honestly, I find his thinking unfathomable.  Always have! Like, there was this one time when a producer rang me for an emergency couriering of one of my old film scripts. That was at 10 in the morning ... and at 2am, after I'd spend the entire day and nearly all night turning the house upside down looking for it, and after I had become so desperate and stupid I actually found myself looking for it inside an old soap dish ... he comes out and says, very sleepily, "Oh, that script!  I filed it in the filing cabinet under E in a folder called 'Ethnography'".

See what I mean?  Yes, I knew the late Professor Elizabeth Perkin's once did a seminar on this particular script because it had an aboriginal character and she wanted to talk about "writing about different races" and - boast, boast, boast - wanted to use me as an example of how it should be done ... but, still, it made more sense for me to look for it in an old soap dish than it did to look for it in a folder called "Ethnography".

But I have "Voices of Nature" playing as I write and can feel nothing but good will for the entire world.  Man, those guys have a good ear and really know how to throw interesting licks into the mix. Masters of the Unexpected!  And they get it so right, I'm awestruck by them.

What do you think?

Back when we lived in Townsville, in Australia, and Keith had his award-winning radio show, he used to play a lot of Black Rose ... until Baby Jane stole the CD because she fell in love with them, but which was really mean of her because ... well, I'm sure Black Rose would prefer their music to be in the hands of someone who gave it radio air-play internationally.

And now Keith has found the album again, and here in Hong Kong too, which is particularly amazing.

And so, with Black Rose playing loud and feeling nothing but good will for all mankind - including Keith - I will now dare to dive into Aperture and try to fathom how my photographs are now organised.

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