Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Kills Us This Week!

Bahahahahahaha!  Snigger! Snigger! Snigger!  Gawpahaw!  Hahahahahahaha!

OK, I'm done now.

Of course, and naturally, since my blog is blocked in China, I can talk about it with impunity, I'm in stitches over The Chinese Communist Party's reaction to dissident Liu Xiaobo ("a traitor for a thousand years") winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Isn't Beijing in a big fat snit over it. Hahahahahahaha! And did you hear there was an angry phone call from the Chinese Communist Party to the Nobel Peace Prize committee telling them that this was  "a debasement of their honour"?  Love?

Of course, there was an immediate Mainland media blackout on the news but that was immediately subverted by twitter with thousands of folks sending out word, which promptly went viral meaning everyone knew within hours.  Hahahahahahaha!

And what's now happening at grassroots is that Chinese are saying they are proud of this award but also ashamed that they did not support Liu Xiaobo and his cause more.  And also, more and more, folks are saying things like how they find it ironic that China has had "such a tremendous economic development, yet people can still be sent to prison for 11 years on groundless charges." and "this award encourages other intellectuals to live up to their public responsibility by generating more constructive new thinking".

As you know, even if it's just because we've mentioned it in here before,  11 years is the length of the "screw you!!" sentence in China, usually given on whimsical and ironic grounds because "11 years" in Chinese sounds very like "screw you!!!"  ...

... and the former Tienanmen Square Democracy Movement dissident Liu Xiabobo was given 11 years because the rest of the world tried to stop his trial over his creation of Charter 08, a very mild request to the Communist Party for reform, and thus China wanted to tell the rest of the world "Screw you!  This is none of your business.  Stay out of our affairs!"

And now this!  All I can say is that this award was NOT an abasement of the prize; it was, in fact, the very NATURE of this prize, and so kudos to the Nobel Prize committee for such a wonderful and inspirational choice.

However, what's happening in HK at the moment is very interesting and very telling too.  At a party here to celebrate this award, someone opened a bottle of champagne which splashed on a policeman (and why the police were hanging around this party is also very strange and telling) who promptly arrested her for assault.  Naturally, HK is now is an enormous snit over it and everyone is now saying that it shows how the HK police have increasingly become stooges for the Chinese Communist Party and how, since we still have NOMINALLY the British system of separation of powers and, as such, an independent police force, whatever happens with this upcoming trial will be a test of just how sneaky and corrupted HK is becoming.

Of course, we all know that the Communist Party has already removed the independent judges from our "independent judiciary" and replaced them with their own stooges, so it will be most telling what happens now.

Can't wait for the next development.

However, if I were choosing what has HK most enraged at the moment, it would have to be Manila's  Benigno "Dickhead" Aquino's decision to forgive all the high-ups - all wealthy friends - who screwed up so badly, resulting in the deaths of eight HK tourists, deciding instead that he would only punish folks lower down the chain.


Manila showing us a glimpse 
of what HK will become 
if it doesn't keep its current 
'separation of powers'!


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