Friday, October 8, 2010

Fiji Day!

Happy Fiji Day everyone.

And I can't think of a better way to celebrate our beautiful country Fiji than referring to the story I told this time last year.

Let me find it for you:  Happy Birthday Fiji. 

And let's aim for a spot of trouble-making here.  Everyone is talking about how America infected Guatemalan folk with syphilis and then tested drugs on them.  Well, why not also kick up a fuss about how America tested birth control pills on Puerto Ricans so to work out the effective dose that didn't kill with blood clots.  Of course, it did mean that lots of folk in the test died of blood clots ... so when the trouble started the drug company gathered up all the remaining packets of pills and sent them to Fiji, where you could buy them across the make-up counter at MH's for 10 cents a packet.

There are several other cases wherein America has dumped drugs in Fiji to be sold off cheaply or given away free immediately before a ban comes into effect, but I won't tell you about those.

And I won't tell you either that there appears to be one of these incidents happening at the moment that has currently got me all up-in-arms.

However, I will say this:  America, Fiji is far too special for you to be doing this to us ... so please go away!

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