Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Chinese National Day Weekend Incident!

Well, Thursday evening, I'm editing my latest crop of photos when suddenly and without warning i-photo goes belly-up.  Immediately I'm dialing out with a "Help me, German Michael!" SOS call, when Keith began being all proprietorial and territorial and that's when I discover that computer problems are, for men, much like asking for directions.  It would appear it's an affront to one man to ask another man for assistance, even when that other man is, like German Michael, a bona fide computer genius. 

It's the old hunter-gatherer thing, yes?  Men simply won't ask for help, and certainly not admit they're struggling and/or lost, or that something is beyond their scope, because it means they're magically somehow less-of-a-man.  "Lovely challenge." says Keith.

Well, i-photo claims to be able to store 250,000 photos but, as it turns out, according to Keith, after many hours researching, that these sorts of problems usually begin at 10% of that amount ... and I have ... wait for it ... 28,000 photos.  And this is ME we're talking about!  Me?  The lady who always refused to take photos for so many decades because they stopped you really SEEING and "if it ain't in your head, it ain't really yours!"

Thus Keith decides the problem is with i-photo so races across the road to the big famous Wan Chai computer centre to buy another program, "Aperture" which all the magazines claim is vastly better, apparently.  He loads it onto my computer, crosses over all the photos from i-photo and ... CRASH!!!  Black screen!  Spinning wheel of death!

To cut a long story short, "Aperture" had stored three copies of each photo so I now have 104,000 photos which has, apparently, eaten up all my gigabytes and there's not enough space left to run the computer.

Keith is determined he'll fix this without help and so has been at it day and night for three entire days.

So there goes our long weekend!  Couldn't get away!  Couldn't get to any of the Chinese National Day Celebrations!  Couldn't even get out to jostle with the mega-millions down at the Harbour to see the fireworks. 

Anyway, I have no idea what he's been doing but he appears to have done something right because he's got the computer up and running again, and I'm back down to only 28,000 photographs ... although all the editing done in i-photo has come off and thus I've now got 28,000 raw photos and not even a smidgen of desire to go through and do it all again.

No idea, either, if I'm still able to retrieve photos to post in this blog ... so let's try a random photo thingy and see if I can:

No, it seems I can't.  All I can access previously posted blog photos like this one Richard took of what happens when you take a photo while spinning your camera on a bungy cord!

Great photo, yes, but not one you'd want to post very often.

Oh, well, at least my computer is up and running again.  Small mercies!  Wasted holiday, yes, but still, small mercies!!


Anonymous said...

Keith needs to forget the woolly mammoth thing and get a bit more into the new age man thing - go have a manicure and facial at the man salon and let German Michael do his thing, all the while fully understanding the as far as you're concerned "he still da man!!"


Anonymous said...

There were 106 GB of photos saved by iPhoto in the single file. This is what caused the spinning wheel of death. The solution was to offload it onto an external hard drive and then break it into manageable chunks. Aperture is superior! It's like a Hummer vs a little Fiesta.