Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Big Blue Bouncing Exercise-Ball Theory of Life!

Had a gorgeous chat with a delightful young chap from Sydney, Australia, and he told me absolutely the best story that I definitely must pass on:

Seems one day recently, in Sydney, his sister rang to abuse him, "You borrowed my exercise ball two months ago," she screams at him "and I want it back, and I want it back TODAY!!! so you get it here right now!"

Thus, like a nice brother should, he immediately loaded the enormous blue exercise ball into the back of his ute, only it was too large to cover with the cover, so he secured it the best he could - which was most difficult, as you can imagine - and set off for the nine kilometres to his sister's house.

But, shortly after leaving home, while stuck in traffic, the ball came loose and he saw it in the rear-view mirror, bouncing off down the road and off the side of the hill.

Obviously, he was in no position to chase it, so spent the next two hours driving around Sydney Sports Shops looking for another ... to no avail. No one had a single one, nor could they track one down for him.

Giving up, and in great sorrow, he decided to confess all to his sister, but the moment he arrived, his sister - who sounds truly nasty - started screaming at him "How dare you just throw my ball into the swimming pool like that! You go in there right now and get it out!"

Pardon? Yup, there in the pool was the big, blue exercise ball!

But there's more:

When this lovely guy told me this story, I laughed uproariously and said "Love it!"

"You're a very lucky person, aren't you!" the young man stated.

"Extremely lucky. In fact, in everything that doesn't count, it's like I am richly blessed."

"Life full of co-incidences and synchronicity and other strange things?"

"Totally! It surprises me all the time the way things constantly happen to me."

"I thought so. Ever since this happened, I've been developing my Big, Blue, Bouncing Exercise-Ball Theory of Life. See, whenever I tell this story, I get one of three responses:

1) People laugh and say they love it.
2) People look puzzled and say "That's really bizarre!"
3) People look angry and say "What absolute crap!"

And what I've realised is that people who say "What absolute crap!" are those who go through life always experiencing extraordinarily bad luck; people who say "That's really bizarre" have no good or bad luck either way; and people who laugh and say they love it are the ones who go through life like they're blessed, with everything good and everything they want happening for them."

And that's when we both decided that life totally gives you what you expect. I guess, based on my own experience, that I could adopt this theory myself and call it "The Little Black Chanel Dress Theory of Life." but he came up with it and so it is all his!

Do you know the story of my Little Black Chanel Dress? In my job, which I'm not allowed to talk about, I was at the Chanel store here, and the gorgeous salesgirls were playing "dress-ups" with me, and one of the dresses I tried on almost made me weep, it was so beautiful and looked so fabulous on me, so much so I decided to buy it and asked the price "HK$75,000" That was enough to make anyone weep!

And then, walking home afterwards, thinking about how unfair life was that I didn't have a spare HK$75,000 to spend on a dress, I passed a sample shop and saw ...

... a rack of dresses I immediately recognised from my foray into Chanel. I thought "No, can't be!" so, zombie-like, went into the shop and began rifling through them. All with the labels cut off, sure, but I'm not really someone who cares about labels - well, not much! - and found the dress. Yes, that exact dress! MY DRESS!!! It was missing the belt, which was why it was off-loaded, but the belt was the only part of the outfit I didn't like! "But surely it can't be in my size!" I thought ... but it was. My dress in my size!!! And the price? HK$300. 00!! I just LOVE my life, I thought!

And that, folks, is the Big Blue Bouncing Exercise-Ball Theory of Life in action: The Rolling Stones were wrong: you can always get what you want! You just have to be open to it!

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