Have you ever seen it? If you haven't, you must immediately put it on your "Things to Do Before you Die!" list. And that's for any Cirque du Soleil show, not just this one!
If you don't know anything about them, it's a Circus, but with a difference; a sort of "Circus as Visual Poetry!" instead of "Circus as Oh wow!" It's surreal and beautiful and dream-like and every element is just perfect, but there are still all these astonishingly and amazing circus performances at the same time. It's what I've been saying for years: virtuoso only works when it surrenders to emotion or passion or performance or the bigger picture; if not it's simply a sad case of "look at me!". And Cirque du Soliel is a gorgeous mix of passion and emotion and story and performance, constantly moving and evolving and with all these awe-inspiring elements winding in and out of each other so fast and nothing for you to focus on alone. Sheer perfection!
But at the same time, I wanted everything to just stop so I could listen to the music alone because that was sublime, and then stop so I could look closely at the clothes which were stunning, and then stop so I could see what they were doing with the lighting and stop so I could see the backdrops and props and sets properly and ... well, there was just so much that was sublime I started wanting the whole thing to slow down so I could look at each of the elements in turn ... and then I just started wishing I was stoned off my head so I could stop thinking and analysing and just start feeling.
Like, there was a life-size and very realistic polar bear wandering through the outer reaches of outer space in among these astronauts and that alone would have held my interest for ages, but I also wanted to watch the gorgeous lady swinging by her teeth off a hot air balloon. Surreal!
Loved the clothes. Here are the ones you could see in the lobby, although no one was actually wearing them in the show.
Actually, let me go look in youtube to see if there's anything in there so you can see it all for yourself:
Isn't it just gorgeous!
Do go see! And when you do, don't make the mistake we did: don't get seats too near the front. Sit right at the back so you can see the whole thing working all together. And, if possible, try not to think too much while you're watching. And don't just go once. I intend to go back again soon and see the whole thing again. And then go several more times and concentrate on a different element each time.
Oh, and here's what I found on the web about the show itself:
Based at The Venetian Macao, Cotai Strip, this brand new 90-minute mega-production brings together 75 high-calibre artists from all four corners of the globe. The show is directed by Neilson Vignola and Gilles Maheu.
ZAIA presents a young girl's perception of the stars and planets, space and infinity, all populated by a panoply of fantastic, literally out-of-this-world creatures. The title, ZAIA, comes from a Greek name meaning "life" and is also reminiscent of Gaia, the living, self-aware, spirit of Earth.
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