Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rounding up the African News!

There I was, so convinced Robert Mugabe was already living on Tai Po - a little island here in the South China Sea where they appear to be setting up a luxury bolthole/sanctuary for him - when he rocks up at his 85th Birthday Party in Harare! There goes that theory!

He's still in Zimbabwe, folks, although I don't think it'll be for much longer.

Did you read about that birthday party? For a once-proud nation, now so broken and bloody, in ruins, with 90% below the poverty line and a raging cholera epidemic, it's kinda obscene spending zillions on a party. But hey, no one said Monsters were logical!

And the speeches!!! "You are a crocodile! Strong, resilient and ever-lasting." I'm not kidding! Fulsome praise from all around. And even if it is just blowing smoke, you'd think that now, as he teeters on the edge of his fall, is not the time people should be seen aligning themselves with The Monster ... something which China needs to realise; that only really really stupid people are currently showing support for Mugabe!

Stupidity? China! Oh yes indeed! Must tell you, China is definitely getting stupid again! It goes it cycles! In fact, it's so up-and-down, it's almost like the Chinese Communist Party is bi-polar.

Let me tell you the latest: Hong Kong asked China why they are pressuring us to give sanctuary to Mugabe and were told "You support Falen Gong! You let them buy land! You don't extradite them! This is the same thing!" THIS IS NOT A JOKE! THIS IS WHAT CHINA SAID ABOUT WHY WE SHOULD SUPPORT THE MUGABES!

I'm having a hard time getting my head around their thinking: Because we say that our collective conscience refuses to let us extradite Falen Gong folk - who basically just want to do a particular type of Tai Chi - back to China where they will be tortured and killed, we must then also accept these Monsters in our midsts; folks who themselves tortured and killed. Can anyone explain this to me?

Anyway, 500 former-Zimbabweans have begged Hong Kong to forbid the Mugabes entry saying that it's a nightmare for them that they were driven out of their country, and now he's following them. They also say HK will regret giving them santuary because their foul corruption and vicious bullying will travel with them. We've already seen that, what with Grace's mega-rage last week in Tsim Sha Tsui.

And that's brings me to the next point: police are now saying that because Grace's diamond rings tore through skin and made folks bleed, it constitutes "actual bodily harm" and that carries an automatic sentence of incarceration, so Grace must be charged and must go to jail. The question of whether she should be allowed to claim Diplomatic Immunity - and what we will do if she does - is now before the Justice Commission so we all wait on that ruling with bated breath.

The best possible outcome will be they say she must be arrested because what will happen then is that she will do a runner, so we will then have an outstanding warrant for her arrest for when she returns, which means she can't and won't return! Yayyy!

Oh yeah! You go, Hong Kong!

The other and final piece of news on the subject is that we've discovered Grace has been up in China, organising herself a diamond cutting and polishing factory. Seems she has millions of raw diamond. Possibly Zimbabwe's entire stockpile! Which, yeah, yeah, could well be the real reason China wants her? She has blood diamonds!

It's all so creepy and dirty, isn't it! So, please, be behind HK. We're the Good Guys in all this, so please support us in our Righteous Attempt to NOT SUPPORT MONSTERS!

Yeah, go Hong Kong, go Hong Kong, go Hong Kong!

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