Monday, June 8, 2009

Cuba on Hold!

Finally met up with Aussie Christine, who is finally back in HK after such a long stay in USA, recovering from something she picked up in Mexico and which knocked her out so much she couldn't travel.

No, wasn't Swine Flu, although that would have been my guess as well. It was an inner ear infection that was unbelievably painful, lasted weeks, prevented her from getting around, left her deaf, and which she's only just getting over now, after many months.

Cuba, however, she said could be summed up with the words: gorgeous scenery, gorgeous people, gorgeous seafood and music, music, music, music, music everywhere, and lots of dancing. Oh, and did she mention music!

We will be getting together later in the week to go through the photos and learning all she discovered about holidaying in Cuba; a place with gorgeous scenery, gorgeous people, gorgeous seafood and music, music, music, music, music!

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