Sunday, June 28, 2009

Molly Moments!

After a decade in Australia, in protest against the burning of Jandamarra O'Shane - which happened as a result of the rising hate engendered by One Nation and Pauline Hanson - Molly left that country to return to live in Fiji.

When I last back in Fiji I asked her if she regretted it - Fiji's wages being so considerably lower - and she said "Not for a single second. Here, at least five times a day, I see something or hear something that makes me feel something. There's always something that makes me laugh, or makes me cry, or makes me smile, or puts me in touch with my humanity. In Australia, I was lucky if I had one of these "Moments" in a month."

She's right. In Australia, probably as a consequence of the safety net of public services and welfare, or just the cushioning effect of relative wealth, you rarely get pulled out of yourself by something happening with or to strangers. One a month is probably being generous!

Hong Kong, however, is more like Fiji. Here, at least once a day, you see something or hear something that makes you feel something. I think I'll share the best of these with you.

We'll call the posts "Molly Moments" since it was Molly who first pointed out to me that these things are infinitely precious because they're life's true treasures.

So, to get us started:


We're walking through Wan Chai Markets and pass an elderly hunchback Chinese lady, hobbling along on her cane, singing away to herself. 

We stop dead! "Is she singing what I think she's singing?" I say to Keith. We listen:

Yup, she was! Not kidding, this is what she was singing:

Gorgeous, huh!


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