Monday, June 8, 2009

What Kills Us This Week!

I've been away, as you know, so missed a huge panic that would have been fun if it wasn't so silly and had such a horrible outcome.

Outdoor dining! Gone from Hong Kong, along with outdoor smoking, as of July 1st, 2009! Seems things just went crazy in my absence; some old English dude wrote in to the papers saying that he hated this new trend for outdoor dining because it was "just so disgusting and dirty" and Hong Kong authorities jumped on his bandwagon, and voila!, all outdoor dining is to be outlawed, starting next month! Even balconies aren't allowed to serve food and drink. Even indoor courtyards. Dining must only take place in closed, air-conditioned premises!

I'm thinking of all the pat-pongs in our area; the little hole-in-the-wall cafes where poor people buy food to eat in the street. Guess they'll have to go too. And the street peddlers? The hot chestnut sellers? The hot plover egg sellers? Guess we say farewell to these centuries-old traditions as well.

Honestly! It just makes me so cross! You too I hope!

So ...


Rank stupidity in HK's authority structures!

It's stupid, isn't it! And it all came into Law so quickly there really has to be something else behind it.

And if you want to help us stop this ridiculousness, please sign this petition:

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