I'm also starting another blog called "An Angel a Day", where, every day, hopefully, I intend to post a photo of an angel I've seen somewhere in my travels.
It's a silly thing I know, but nonetheless a challenge that Talei set me and interesting and gives me a reason for an adventure every single day for 100 days. I highly recommend it.
OK, you may think I couldn't do it - 100 Angels in 100 days - but I already have successfully completed it, with only minor bits of cheating. This new blog is really just something to do with all my angel photos.
So do have a look sometime. Mind you, I'm not sure if I know how to find it again myself.
OK, I found it, and have placed in a link to it, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get into it to post another angel. Man, is it frustrating.
And here's the picture of the angel I would have downloaded today if I'd have been able to get in.
See, it my not be precisely keeping the promise I made in the other blog, but nonetheless, according to the letter of the law, I have honoured my commitment.
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