Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another Conversation with a Saudi.

Completely different Saudi fellow, this one a chance-met old man, I briefly chatted with, and what happened was so funny I must share.

He told me that Charles Schultz, who wrote the "Peanuts" comics, was one of the world's truly great unsung geniuses of philosophy, and that when he was a child he once stumbled across a strip where Linus says "It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness." and it struck him as such a  powerful idea, he's lived his entire life by that philosophy.

As we all know, it's actually a quote from the Christian Bible, but there's no way he would know that ... and would undoubtedly be very angry if he found out ... and so I decided that, this time, for once, I would play nice and not attempt to enlighten him so just said "I understand! It is indeed a very powerful thought." and left it at that.

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