Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Kills Us This Week!

OK, this isn't about HK this week but over the most totally outrageous ruling in a Los Angeles court. Men At Work lost the most ridiculous and stupid court case of all time. If you've missed this, here's the backstory:

And they LOST.

Like, huh?  I mean, just listen to the two songs:

And then:

Not a chance, right? But the ridiculously stupid and tone-deaf courts disagree and their ruling now says Men At Work have to give 60% of any money they've ever made on it to the folks who own the "Kookaburra" copyright.

Unbearably stupid, right? And 60% of everything EVER?  Wrong, huh!

And when you consider what happened with  "Wimaway"  it just makes it all the more wrong.  Do you know about that? That an already long-existing South African recording of this song was stolen by some New York tosser and renamed "Lion Sleeps at Night" or something, and when the children of the original African artist (who was then dying of cancer and couldn't afford treatment) sued the American - who held up court proceedings for so long the old man died - which is just so cringably evil I hope that Yank burns in hell for all eternity - the courts ruled that only 21% of all future earnings had to be paid to the family in South Africa.

And now this?  And wouldn't there be something about precedent or something? Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! And stupid too!


Anonymous said...

The ruling was actually in the Australian Federal Court in Sydney, not in Los Angeles. I can remember watching the episode of "Spicks and Specks" (back in 2007 when it first aired) which suggested the two songs were linked, and thinking at the time, "WTF? I've never heard such crap in my life!" Obviously the supposed similarities can't really be all that evident to anyone else either, because it had never occurred to Larrikin Music (or anyone else, for that matter) either to mention it OR to take legal action during the previous 25+ years that the song had been floating about. Interestingly, an ABC radio report said, "The case also raises deeper questions about the ownership of music, because some musicologists say the tune of 'Kookaburra' is the same as that of a much older Welsh folk song, about a blackbird. With the parties due to discuss costs later in the month, it's probably the lawyers - and the kookaburra - who'll get the last laugh." Love, RFB xxx

Denise said...

Well, the HK news report said Los Angeles. Isn't that very odd!

I wonder why.