Friday, February 26, 2010

My George Harrison Story!

George Harrison's birthday yesterday and, in honour, I should tell you the best of my George Harrison stories, although this is actually a Bob story and I first heard it from the actual roadie involved who  related it at Bob's funeral.

Bob had a legendary guitar.  Although it wasn't that famous blues guitar that's handed down from old musician to 'the most worthy' of the next generation of young musicians, it's a lesser one with the same pedigree and history.

Anyway, Bob was doing a gig in a nightclub in Port Douglas, when his band took their first break and Bob dashed off for his free meal.  The instant he left, 'some old dude' crept up on stage and grabbed Bob's guitar, inspecting it closely.

"Hey, don't touch that guitar!" Young Roadie shouted at him. "Bob don't let anyone touch that guitar."

"I'm sure Bob won't mind me touching his guitar." Old Dude said.

And he then started to play it.

"Hey, don't play that guitar!" Roadie shouted at him. "Bob don't let anyone play that guitar."

"I'm sure Bob won't mind me playing his guitar." Old Dude replied and continued to play.

"Oh man, I'm telling Bob on you. Bob's gonna be so cross with you."  Young Roadie shouted.

He raced into the wings.  "Hey, Bob." Young Roadie shouted.  "This old dude is messing with your guitar."

Bob came racing out, furious, then saw the old dude and stopped in his tracks.  "Take a good look at that old dude." Bob told the Young Roadie. "That old dude is the only person in the world you can let play my guitar."

And George Harrison then stuck out his tongue at Young Roadie, and asked Bob if it was indeed the guitar he thought it was and when Bob said yes, George said "If you let me play this guitar, can I join you on stage for the rest of the night?"

And that's how it came about; the Legendary Night when Old Dude joined "Swag".

 George, Hero of Dafen too!


Anonymous said...

D: Cross at blogger/yahoo (Blogger is a part of Yahoo, right?) In that now they have ugly ads underneath your posts. Boo ugly ads.

Denise said...

Yes, they are really, really annoying me too.