Monday, February 8, 2010

Another Letter from the Files.

Here's another random letter, also from 2005.

Hi. Computer still a problem so again writing from the free computers in Pacific Cafe and again I'm here with absolutely nothing to say for myself.

... (Deleted as personal) ...

You MUST come over soon, if for no other reason than to rummage through our wonderfully exciting Johnston Road sample shops; the very reason I've decided to move to Wan Chai, so I can access them every day, I love them so much. (N.B. Sample shops are the places where the luxury goods market dumps their seconds and you can buy the most extraordinary stuff for pocket change.)

 Your typical Johnston Road sample shop.
This one still exists,
although, with Wan Chai 'gentrifying',
most have shut down.
I hear, by the way, they've moved
to Western Markets
but my New Year's Resolution is to give up 
being such a consumer and so I have
yet to chase them down.

Today wasn't an exception. Couldn't help myself so got two gorgeous "granny-style" tulip skirts - Brooks Brothers - several Armani silk shirts, three cashmire cardigan twin-sets and a sublime cream trenchcoat by Burberry, all for less than US$200. I also got a pair of grey "sensible" heeled square-toed shoes and several really sublimely-vile but real crystal broaches to wear with them: the amethyst dragonfly I intend to wear on my beret whenever I do this "crazy rich granny" look ...

 My 'crazy granny look' in Bangkok.
The Patpong Street ladyboys loved it.

... but I'm refusing to even think of wearing a fur tippet. Please remind me of that ... NO FUR TIPPETS!!! And no muffs either.

Hard to believe that, thanks to these sample shops, I've actually got interested in fashion again. Somehow the whole grunge decade turned me off it with a vengence.

Ah, someone's just pressed the button next to me. That means I've only got fifteen minutes before I have to get off. So, what else can I talk about for fifteen minutes?

... (Deleted as personal) ...

Oh yeah, I got a personal trainer and am going to the gym several times a week. Discovered I needed it since I haven't been feeling very fit lately; most likely the air pollution since I'm having trouble breathing. His name is Eo and he's the sweetest, prettiest, vainest little boy imaginable. Lovely face, sublime body and blond-streaked punk hair. He's actually very good at his job but spends all his time posing in the mirrors and saying "Excellent. Excellent." It's hard to know exactly what he's talking about but he's such a little sweetheart I'm trying to convince myself he's talking about my progress.

... (More personal stuff) ...

That's my news and the ticker's gone off meaning my time's up so goodbye for today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't remember if I've ever sent you the link to this completely delightful blog, which I feel positive you'll love as much as I do: -- but every time I see this woman: ... I think of you! Love, RFB xxx