Friday, March 12, 2010

Feeling Wildly Nostalgic

There's this concert down in Southorn Park as we speak, and a young guy is singing a Canto-pop version of Cold Chisel's "Flame Trees".  Although I do wonder if Jimmy Barnes knows anything about his song being adapted this way, I have to tell you it sounds amazing in Chinese.

Anyway, when I realised what it was, I came over all nostalgic and went looking in youtube for the original and lo!:

Nice, huh!

And then I noticed, right beside it:

OK, being wildly indiscreet here but let me tell you a funny story about this:

Way back then, I was coming into Brisbane, Australia, from Fiji and Air Pacific landed around the same time as a private jet, so "jet people" and Fiji-folk were being processed through Immigration at the same time.

Anyway, "jet people" were obviously a rock band although, being away for so long, I didn't know who. And they were truly vile; all drunk and obnoxious and playing "Pop Star" all over the airport, riding around on luggage trolleys and vomiting on stuff and just acting like they were in an X-rated episode of "The Monkees" and being all bad-arse and trying to shock.
But, entertaining as they were, I needed to race to the loo, so dashed away. Later, I'm coming out of the cubicle and, ahhhh!, one of the pop stars has followed me and he's all vile and cringe-able and starts lunging and groping me, so, as you do, I hit him. "Hey, I'm a ROCK STAR!" he shouts at me.

"Yeah! Dick-head is more like it!" I snarl at him and shove him away.

At that moment, Craig Marlowe's artist friend rocks into the toilet. "Hey, want to play Rock Stars with this dickhead!" I say and leave the room.

Anyway, once I'm through and Keith's waiting for me, I tell him a quick version of what's just happened and we have a good laugh, but I'm hardly back a day when I hear this amazing song "Reckless", and then, days later, I see the video clip and recognise them and, boy-oh-boy, the toilet-dickhead is their lead singer and he is just so HOT and I fall hopelessly for him and think "Damn!" followed by  "Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn."

Then weeks later, still wildly in love, I'm watching an interview with him on TV and the dickhead is asked something about the perks of fame and starts talking about this wild sexual encounter in the toilets at Brisbane Airport and I notice Keith's head turn slowly in my direction and he's giving me a very hard look indeed. "That's something you'll NEVER know!" I tell him.

And we've never spoken about it ever again ... but we all now know who it really was, don't we!

However, looking at this clip after all this time I'm thinking how time is a great leveler and more-so a great revealer of  TRUTH and I realise now I was right the first time and he really is a Dickhead!


Anonymous said...

I was never a huge fan of the band back in the day, although I saw them live a number of times. (I also saw JR at BrisVegas airport once when he was being obnoxious. I think every woman in Oz must have had an airport encounter with him at one time or other!) However -- I have seen him on fairly-recent TV shows and have rather liked him. Then, a couple of days ago, I found this, thought it utterly MAGNIFICENT, and have been listening to it almost non-stop ever since: Love, R xxx

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that my sister has a similar story about JR trying to pick her up at BrisVegas airport, as does a female friend of my brother's. As did a girl I knew back in the Isa. Our JR must have been quite the cad!