Monday, March 1, 2010

Zen and Now

I promise this will be the last time for ages I play this silly Photomancy game.  It's just that, well, I'm wondering now if it makes a difference to the outcome if you get into a happy little zen space in your head before shutting your eyes and choosing three cards at random from your photo program.

So here goes.  Let me centre myself for a few minutes and we'll start:

That's the koi pond at Chi Lin Nunnery in Diamond Hill in Hong Kong I think.

That's Scrawn, the bad tempered but very clever cockatoo in Outback Australia.

And again:

And that's one of the great many portrait shops in the artist's village of Dafen up in Shenzhen in Mainland China. (Please note the Obama portrait above the Wu portrait.  And there's also Mao, Bruce Lee?, Mr Bean and a stunning portrait of Andy Lau.)

OK, what this spread means I have actually no idea, so I willingly hand it over for the Chinese Communist Party to interpret.

And, with regard to our experiment, I think this shows us that you that, unless Scrawn finds god and runs for political office, Random and Meaningless really only occurs when you Zen Out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we both know that Scrawn doesn't even have to leave her cage to rule the world! x