Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring in Hong Kong

Spring finally appears to have arrived, although who can be sure.  Last week the temperature went up to 27 centigrade and now it's plunged again.  19 degrees according to my dashboard, which isn't too awful and it means I don't have to wear shoes around the house which I hate doing.  It's a Fijian thing!

And everyone here is complaining about the unusually heavy fog, quite different to our usual smog, but I'm almost embarrassed to admit I haven't seen it, although I won't tell you why. (OK, OK, I haven't been up that early!)

Hey, wait a mo ... what's that I see? Let me go get my camera:


Obviously it's many hours past its prime but now I've seen it I can legitimately join everyone else in talking about this strange heavy fog and what it can possibly portend - Ahhhh Threatdown! - about Global Warming.

And, dammit, just look!  I haven't noticed it before but HK has put up another of it's ridiculous "anti avalanche" retaining walls. They do it all the time; chop down a whole section of forest and cover everything with cement.  It's just so irresponsible and when eco-minded folk complain they just paint the cement green.  Honestly!

But this should be about Spring. Lindy asked the other day what Spring in HK looks like so I promised to show her only I couldn't find any of last year's shots.  My photo program is so unwieldy these days I never find a sodding thing. However, I've spent days "rationalising" which means deleting with a cold and cruel heart, so maybe I can manage it now:

Only kidding.  That's a shot taken in New Zealand last year.

Testing. Testing.  Need to find shots of the rather pretty wild flowers that you can see in Spring deep in the heart of New Territories once you get out of the city.

An hour later and no, no luck whatsoever.  Hope they weren't among those I deleted. Or maybe they're in that lego brick-thing Keith got for file storage. Or in the other photo program.  Ahhh, too much trouble!

Oh, I know, I'll go into last years' post around this time, and I'm sure they'll be in there, and I'll just link.

In the meantime, let me do another of the random photo things because I do have some lovely shots. But no voodoo this time.  Just a shot chosen with my eyes closed.  Hey, maybe it will be one of the Spring shots I'm looking for:

Ah, Yum Cha at Admiralty.  We used to do this most Sundays back before ABC:PI moved to Bangkok.

OK, found it.  It wasn't last year, it was the year before, so go here to see HK in Spring.

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