Saturday, March 13, 2010

Good Luck Fiji

Cyclone Tomas, Category 3, is about to hit Fiji.  Good luck everyone.

And did you know cyclones are a fabulous time to plait everyone's hair into tiny little braids with lots of beads wound in.  We used to do this after the electricity went down.  Nice way to pass the time after backgammon and cards got boring.

Bloody global warming!  We only used to have cyclones about once every decade, and we always knew they were coming because the fruit trees used to produce double-header fruit in the months leading up to it. So I wonder how Mother Nature is coping with having to do this "miracle crop" every few months.

Oh, she isn't?

Guess she's just shrugged and said "You're on your own now, you idiots!" and stopped being so downright miraculous.

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