Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ginger Rogers at 92!

What was I talking about, wondering how to be a woman my age, despairing at the lack of suitable role models for 'how to be an old lady'!!!

No longer even remotely a problem because just look at this:

Ginger Rogers dancing with her great-great-grandson!!!

I was already impressed at her dancing 'at her age' before discovering I was being conned and she had not even yet began to dance!

We have our role model, ladies!  So let's start practising NOW!


Anonymous said...

She died at age 83, which makes it even more amazing!!

Denise said...

Let me check this out: Wikipedia to the rescue. Born in 1911 and died in 1995 which makes her ... 83!

Those lying toadfish!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is the right information: The dancer is Sarah Paddy Jones, the oldest salsa dancer. Please go to: “Sarah Paddy Jones – Oldest Salsa Dancer” and “76 year old dancing granny dances the salsa”

Anonymous said...

Hi. Not sure about the 'Oldest Salsa Dancer', but she was the winner of 'Spains got Talent' a couple of years ago. She is a Brit, who used to dance when she was young before getting married in her early 20s, then nothing, until sometime her husband died, and living in Spain she thought she would have a go at Salsa to give her something to do. . . loved it . . . Teamed up with a 30something year old dancer, practiced continually, and then entered the competition. Stunning everyone. Checkout the winning proformance, and the audience reaction . . . its quite something!