Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's PARTY TIME Again!

Last weekend in March!  You know what that means, don't you!


If you don't already know and love this "Greatest Party on Earth" let me remind you:

I was there for this game 
and it was almost more exciting than I could bear.

Already I'm getting calls from overseas folks asking where they can score tickets, so let me tell you something you NEED to know:

It is virtually impossible to get HK7s tickets in Hong Kong!

At least it is if you're not prepared to pay those ridiculous scalper-prices there on Caroline Hill and there have been times when we've been so desperate, we have.

It's a huge source of sourness here in HK that of the 40,000 tickets available for each day of the competition only 2,000 are sold here to locals.  And they make it a massive bun fight to get any, with overnight line-waits and crashing computers and hours spent on the phone, waiting in line for the next available operator.

Those 2000 tickets are always snapped up within an hour so then the scrambling around has to start, and we all do scramble you know, because it's such a fantastic three-days, it is worth it!

Each year we've managed to score tickets, we've only done so by working three to five phones simultaneously and even that didn't work this year.  There's a day we'll never get back again.

Everyone in HK hates it so much, this scrambling for tickets, especially when it always turns out they've sold half of them to English scalpers who sell them on Caroline Hill for outrageous amounts.

How is this possible?  I know HK says it doesn't sell to scalpers but we all know differently!

But the upshot is we don't have tickets this year, and we're not happy about it and are still pleading and scrambling and feeling most deprived.

So please, please, please, if anyone knows where there are spares around, please let us know!  PLEASE!!!!  I'll be the crazy woman down there on Lockhart Road in the Fiji rugby jersey waving the Fiji flag at the big screen, most likely at Devil's Advocate.

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