Thursday, March 17, 2011

Too Cross!

I'm almost too cross to post today.  In fact, I'm fuming with rage! 
And this isn't just me either. I've noticed that even people you wouldn't expect it from are referring to what's happening in Japan as Fuk-u-shima! I guess everyone is very angry! 
How is it possible that the world's 25 biggest nuclear reactors are built on or near fault lines? WHO DOES THIS???? WHO IS MAKING THESE DECISIONS!!! ARE ALL OUR LEADERS @#$***&^$%$^% MORONS?
They keep telling us nuclear power is safe!! I have no idea if it is or it isn't because these morons seem intent on making it as dangerous as possible.  I mean, Three Mile Island happened, didn't it, because everyone building it was corrupt and cheating on safety standards in order to make a big fat profit.

But then we discover THIS is going on!  That folks with no idea whatsoever are placing these things. I mean, who imagines it's clever building these dangerous things close to the edges of the tectonic plates!

I think Gaia is right!  I think, as a species, we are too stupid to live. I've been quoting for days from the Gaia Hypothesis
"Gaia is ruthlessly cruel to any species that crosses her." and we've been crossing her for too long and I think she's had enough!
And if you don't know about the Gaia Hypothesis, here's a quote: "Gaia is an embodiment of the notion of a Mothering Earth, the source of the living and non-living entities that make up the Earth. Gaia is gentle, feminine and nurturing, but also ruthlessly cruel to any who cross her."
I'm beginning to understand what's going down in The Middle East!  People have had enough of corrupt and dangerous leadership!  
Well, I think we all are!  I think we should extend The Middle East's "Jasmine Revolution" to the entire world!  Enough, I say, of these  @#$***&^$%$^% MORONS as leaders!
See, I said I was cross!

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