Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Kills Us This Week!

Hong Kong used to be an endlessly amusing place to live because we lurched from crisis to crisis, forever convinced, like Chicken-Little, that the sky was falling on our heads.  But it's been weeks!  No, it's been months since a single "We're all gonna DIE!" has passed anyone's lips.

I don't know what's wrong.  We're just not ourselves these days.  It's like we've all suddenly grown up and that's simply not fun. 

When we first arrived in Hong Kong, at the tail end of the 2003 SARS crisis, it was so useful that everyone was convinced they personally stood on the precipice because ... well, with a queue 100 folk strong ahead of you, all you had to do was start coughing and instantly the line vanished.  It was so much fun and so useful and always made you feel like a SuperHero with enormous SuperPowers and I must tell you that no feeling is more fun.

These days ... nope, nothing!  Stunts like this no longer work.  Sad.

And what we're talking about these days instead.  Mostly ...

No, not so much Charlie Sheen although everyone here's betting on how long before the Ultimate Meltdown and the how and when, although not the why, although a lot of folk are talking about his parents and how they tried to raise him as a man of integrity, so a "why" is implied. 

No, what everyone is talking about here is about turning real life into songs and cartoons, and how much fun this new technology is.  And also lots of talk about Keith Richards, and how he's so cool - although, gosh, doesn't he look awful for his age! You know, all the normal stuff folks the world over talk about.

So I guess this means I'm going to have to retire my weekly threatdown (the charming Chinese word for "panic") since folks simply aren't panicking anymore.

But one more time for Old Times Sake!


Having tiger blood, dude!

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