Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Photo! AGAIN!!

Can't talk about what I want to talk about - and you can guess what that is! - murder most foul! - so instead let's do another photo chosen with my eyes shut:

Shoes in the Wan Chai Market!

Not so interesting but ...  Rosie adores shoes, but they're so very expensive in New Zealand, yet here they're "cheap as", especially in Wan Chai Markets just up the road from us, so whenever I spot that a new crop has come in, I take shots of those I think Rosie would love and sent them to her with a note to select her most desired pair ... and then bully Keith into buying them for her.

Honestly, New Zealand prices!!  Can there BE anything more unconscionable as what shops there charge for things!   

You may recall how, when in New Zealand several years ago, the nieces were badgering me to buy them the most amazing bejeweled purses - which really were special so I understood - but they were NZ$130.00 each and there was no way on earth I'd indulge them that much ...

... but then, a year later, I was in Handbag Heaven in Guangzhou, and there they were: those exact bags!  And they cost less than A$5.00 each!  Naturally, I instantly went "Best Auntie on Earth" and got them one each, which thrilled them so much.

But those are the sorts of price differences between there and here, so I'm really not being overly indulgent with these "select your heart's desire" offers to the kids represented by the photo above!

P.S.  Rosie chose the red pair in the middle!

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