Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baby Jane's New WWOOFERS!

I've already told you that Baby Jane is part of the world-wide WWOOFER network. If you don't remember that, what that is about is here!

It also means that, whenever you visit her, you never know who you'll meet because she always has interesting kids visiting from all over the globe.

Anyway, this visit she had Ching and Jing from Busan in South Korea.  Truly lovely guys who, I regret to tell you, came to North Queensland to dive on The Great Barrier Reef and spent all their time in their hotel room in Cairns playing computer games.

However, when they arrived at Jane's to WWOOFER and she discovered they were artists, she decided that her farm-ette could wait and she put them onto a task that had been bugging her for years:  Talei's sodding dragons!

NOT painting dragons!

Talei is ... well, a total darling but always so slow and indecisive and never finishes things, so when she decided to paint her bedroom door with dragons watching in awe as Pegasus soars past - just like we can't all work out why your subconscious wanted you to paint this, honey-bunny - and painted the first dragon off in the distance and then painted in the clouds, Jane had high hopes this was finally something Talei would finish ... but then the years passed ...

... so Baby Jane handed over the concept to Jing:


And here's what he did:

Although it wasn't the original concept, when Jing made the executive decision to have the second dragon looking away and already eating something, I instantly realised why he'd done it!  Yes, with both dragons looking at Pegasus it would have seemed like they were deciding to attack and ... well, the feng shui of that isn't something you want in the life of an exceptionally gentle and talented girl!

And just look at that second dragon:

Fabulous, right?
Jing is indeed mighty talented!

And when we saw the finished product and the superiority of his work, I told Jing he should touch up Talei's dragon there in the background and he was horrified and shocked that I could suggest any artist go over the work of another artist!  And he's right! I was wrong to suggest it!

And, in the meantime, to prevent them getting under each other's feet, Ching was asked to paint frogs because Jane simply loves green frogs and has them all over her house:

Ching painting a frog!

Baby Jane even has her own frog pond and she even has exceptionally rare ones, practically extinct, who come to breed in here of their own accord:

The frog-breeding pond!

Anyway, Jing and Ching! Jane was so impressed with the pair of them, she instantly dragged them off to work to paint a mural on the wall of her dementia unit!  A rainforest scene with lots of local animals!  A nurse had already made a start only ... you know ... as an artist she makes a good nurse ... so Ching and Jing were brought in to solve the problem and, despite it being another case of going over the work of another artist, this time they agreed it needed help and thus took it on and the mural is now finished and indeed sublime, only I don't have a photo of it.

So, you can see, yes?, what a wonderful concept WWOOFERing is?  And if you too have an organic farm, you too can be part of the program.  What more do you need, yes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just so that you don't get into trouble for copyright infringement, you should probably put up a link to the original artist that they copied from - Jessica Peffer, website found here;