Wednesday, September 1, 2010


In a tearing rush today, so only a quick post.

I recalled last night something very funny that happened over twenty years ago.  A certain nephew, then about seven, who I never thought was very clever - in fact, quite the opposite - was holidaying with us and during the visit found my little personal safe.  "What do you keep in here?" he asked.

"Private things of no unpersonal value." I told him.

"Can I look inside?"

"No way on earth are you allowed to! And it's locked too and it's going to stay that way!" I told him.

He looked at me very hard for about 10 seconds, and then put in a set of digits and rolled it.

CLICK!!! Open! And he's rummaging around among my very boring personal items and best pearl necklaces.

"How on earth did you get that?"  I asked him.

"Easy!" he said.  "Logically, the only person you want to keep out of here is Keith, so it would have to be some six digit number you find easy to remember but that he won't know.  And the only thing that would be is grandma and granddad's phone number."

Smart, huh!  At that point I decided I would never again worry about that boy's intelligence ... and, yes indeed, despite being less book smart than most of my family, he's done exceptionally well for himself.

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