Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carol's Choice!

When Colette was here last week, on her way back to Fiji from Spain, I took one look at what she had on her feet ...

... and said "You stole your sister's shoes!"

I knew. And I knew because Carol always makes such wonderful choices, and all within the "only Carol" paradigm, and you can always tell at a glance what choices she's made.  And in everything she does too!

You know, if I could have one talent above any other, it would be the talent Carol has shown her whole life:  a definite and decided taste in everything she does and every choice she ever makes.

Back in high school in Fiji, Carol cut off all her hair ... and instantly her entire face pulled into focus; her cheekbones looked razor-sharp, and her jaw took on a perfect line, and her eyes suddenly appeared the most vivid blue!  Suddenly, with this brutal Mia Farrow pixie cut, she went from "pretty girl" over the line and into the realm of what we can only call downright beautiful!

I remember thinking at the time "Oh, the poor honey!  Imagine finding your perfect haircut at such a young age.  What will she now do for the rest of her life?"  Well, the answer to that was NOTHING!  Carol found the perfect haircut and has kept it.  And that has always been her way.

Oh, man, her choices!  And every single choice too! I can't praise enough her perfect and simple wardrobe, where every item of clothing looks perfect on her! And when she moved back to Fiji, she brought the furniture she couldn't bear to part with:  the perfect giant red sofa, the perfect mill-house-door-for-a-coffee-table, the perfect carved giant mirror, the perfect bed, the perfect pillows.  And she painted her new house the perfect white and the perfectly ordinary house and everything in it suddenly looked perfect.

But then she moved back to Spain and got herself a little house on the side of a hill and, oh man, did it all over again. Every single choice PERFECT!!!

This gift!  I would give anything to have such a gift!

Anyway, I'm sure her little sister, who does have great taste but only not in such abundance and not with such surety, wouldn't like me leaving you thinking she's a "big sister's shoes stealer" ... so I have to end by telling you that Carol did indeed buy them but then got her little sister another pair as well!

Later:  let me see if I can steal one of Kimerley's photos of Carol, just so you can see for yourself what effortless chic looks like:

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