Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Fairytale for Children


Once upon a time, boys and girls, in a far away land called something not unlike Salo, there was a corrupt and venal regime, full of men who were not exactly evil or tyrants only self-interested and luxury-loving and didn't give a toss for the people.

In this land, everyone who wasn't in the regime was very poor and there was no education system or health system or anything really by way of infrastructure, and they were known as one of the poorest countries in the world.

Other countries and people from other lands felt sorry for them and often sent money to help, only the Luxury-Lovers in charge wouldn't give any to the people. They said that only they were allowed to handle International Donations and so took everything sent by other nations and emptied charities' bank accounts of money given by individuals and promised that they would allocate the money themselves. Which indeed they did. Allocated all the way into Swiss bank accounts.

However, there were many good and brave people from this land who worked hard to help their people. And there are others who came to this land, initially to set up businesses to make money for themselves, but the plight of the people got too much for them and so they started to do good works to help alleviate the suffering they saw all around them.

In the beginning, not realising the reality of the situation, these good people from other lands set up websites to ask for help, only that drew attention from the Luxury-Lovers and things got a bit fraught. And the money sent from outside always got taken too. So now they "keep a low profile", although they do retain "rudimentary websites" that don't say much at all about what is happening.

And so, since we don't live in the Land of Salo and therefore have no reason to fear the Luxury Lovers, why don't we all find out more about these places and people who are trying to do something to help ...

... so they all live happily ever after!

Now, boys and girls, wasn't that a lovely little story!

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