You cannot imagine what it has done now? The stupid, pig-ignorant, awful, ghastly country that it is!
It's all about stopping Hong Kong buying back the useless American stocks! America says it can't because it sets a dangerous precedent and is going all out to stop it happening. But America is, as always, missing the point here!
And the whole point is this ...
Here we don't have any safety net for folks without money. You either work or you starve. Neither do we have Old Age Pensions. Here, if you are old and don't have money, well you then need a bowl you can rattle for folks to drop coins into. Or a musical instrument to play on the skybridges. Or else you go around the rubbish bins collecting stuff to sell at the recycling centres. Or you register at one of the Christian Charities and they give you a pile of goods to sell and the loan of a barrow to sell them from.
And this is what will happen to thousands of old people here in Hong Kong; good old people who've worked hard their whole lives and stupidly invested in American stock believing it to be "safer".
And this is what America is promoting by suing Hong Kong!
Hong Kong has zillions and zillions of dollars they've saved "for a rainy day", and now recognise that, thanks to the arrogant and ridiculous mismanagement of America by a handful of arrogant and ridiculous fools, that it's actually pouring here in Hong Kong, and so we are using our "put-aside money" to, well, prevent the hideous prospect of thousands of Old Folk, with quiet dignity and resignation, rattling bowls on the streets!
For Heaven's sake, America ... this has nothing to do with you, SO MIND YOUR OWN SODDING BUSINESS!!! Roll on Obama!!!
Keith says I don't understand Finance and America is right and we are setting a dangerous precedent that should be stopped! Fighting words, huh! As indeed they were! Nothing like an evening of dafu mafu, wontons and an argument about high finance to brighten up your day!
OK, I may not understand Finance, but I doubt there are five people in the world who do ... and four of them are bluffing! And the fifth is most likely a Criminally Insane Mastermind!
But I do know this: when they took Money off the Gold Standard, I was the one saying "If they don't define the term "asset" precisely, it opens up the market to stupid things being considered assets!" and dammit if I wasn't being prescient ... because, well, just look at the fiasco and now this: unsecured loans as assets? PUH-LEASE!!! It must have been the Criminally Insane Mastermind who came up with that one, because, well, it's criminally insane!
Sincerely, NO ONE understands finance. But I do understand POVERTY. And let me show you what poverty looks like in Hong Kong. These are just from a ten minute walk around Wan Chai yesterday, and I only saw one of the chaps who sleep in the dumpsters ... and he's not even remotely one of the truly SAD ones!
One of the Hong Kong Homeless
Soccer Team practising his shots.
They collect the stuff - cans, plastics, paper, cardboard etc - from the rubbish bins and around the streets, so it's a race against the Council Workers to see who gets the stuff first.
Too late!
The Council Worker arriveth!
And this is what will happen to thousands of old people here in Hong Kong; good old people who've worked hard their whole lives and stupidly invested in American stock believing it to be "safer".
And now,
because America
was run for eight years
by a true idiot
they're left with nothing!
because America
was run for eight years
by a true idiot
they're left with nothing!
And this is what America is promoting by suing Hong Kong!
Hong Kong has zillions and zillions of dollars they've saved "for a rainy day", and now recognise that, thanks to the arrogant and ridiculous mismanagement of America by a handful of arrogant and ridiculous fools, that it's actually pouring here in Hong Kong, and so we are using our "put-aside money" to, well, prevent the hideous prospect of thousands of Old Folk, with quiet dignity and resignation, rattling bowls on the streets!
For Heaven's sake, America ... this has nothing to do with you, SO MIND YOUR OWN SODDING BUSINESS!!! Roll on Obama!!!
Keith says I don't understand Finance and America is right and we are setting a dangerous precedent that should be stopped! Fighting words, huh! As indeed they were! Nothing like an evening of dafu mafu, wontons and an argument about high finance to brighten up your day!
OK, I may not understand Finance, but I doubt there are five people in the world who do ... and four of them are bluffing! And the fifth is most likely a Criminally Insane Mastermind!
But I do know this: when they took Money off the Gold Standard, I was the one saying "If they don't define the term "asset" precisely, it opens up the market to stupid things being considered assets!" and dammit if I wasn't being prescient ... because, well, just look at the fiasco and now this: unsecured loans as assets? PUH-LEASE!!! It must have been the Criminally Insane Mastermind who came up with that one, because, well, it's criminally insane!
Sincerely, NO ONE understands finance. But I do understand POVERTY. And let me show you what poverty looks like in Hong Kong. These are just from a ten minute walk around Wan Chai yesterday, and I only saw one of the chaps who sleep in the dumpsters ... and he's not even remotely one of the truly SAD ones!
Soccer Team practising his shots.
I love the Hong Kong Homeless Soccer Team. These are the old - and some not-so-old - guys who sleep in the dumpsters around the Wan Chai Refuse Centre. Seems that while chatting in those dumpsters, they discovered most of them were good soccer players, and so they formed a team. And ... how Paul Gallico is this? ... last year they won the Southorn Playground Soccer Tournament.
And here's a photo of the Wan Chai Refuse Centre where they buy recyclables from the poor:
And here's some chap who's leaving with an empty trolley:

And here's a photo of the Wan Chai Refuse Centre where they buy recyclables from the poor:
The Council Worker arriveth!
However, the TRULY POOR FOLK register at the various Christian Charities and are given trade goods, a temporary trading licence and a trolley to sell from, and, well, beyond that point their fate is their own!
These folk are different from the regular market folk, who buy licences for centuries and pass them down the generations and, well, they may look poor, however, as David says "Feel sorry for no one until you've seen the age of their Jag!"
These folk are different from the regular market folk, who buy licences for centuries and pass them down the generations and, well, they may look poor, however, as David says "Feel sorry for no one until you've seen the age of their Jag!"
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