1) The Fight against Article 23,
2) the fight against allowing the Chinese Communist Party to dictate how HK wears its hair,
3) The Battle for Wedding Card Street,
4) The Fight to Stop the Demolition of Queens Pier.
So, yes, this one is "Fightback 5".
Oh, by the way, you remember how we won that concession during the Demolition of Queens Pier - yes, they'd pull it down but they'd keep the clock tower? Well, here's what they've done with it:
See how the new pier has incorporated the clock tower into the structure? No? OK, see if I've got a clearer photo:
So what do you think? Did we win anything?
Well, this is yet another fight that we kinda won. It's the old colonial Marine Department Headquarters in Tsim Sha Tsui. They were going to tear it down, but Feisty Hong Kong said "No!" and they said "OK! We'll keep it!" And here it is:
Can you see it?
There in the background?
Do I have a clearer photo? Yes!
Better view.
As you can see, they've torn down the hill and built this ... gosh, what shall we call it? ... Roman Forum-thingy below it. And the building itself is to become a boutique hotel.
Oh, and when they were tearing down the hill we fought for the trees, and they kept those, and here's what they've done with them.
Oh, and when they were tearing down the hill we fought for the trees, and they kept those, and here's what they've done with them.
So, what do you think? Did we win anything?
Mmmm? Kinda! The jury is still out on that one!
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