OK, the verdict is in: HK loves Korean Farmers. Everyone now wants to know all about these "Gats" they want "junked", because I think about the entire city plans to march with them on Sunday ... but HK people - famous for having the highest collective IQs on the planet - are saying it all depends on what Gats are and whether they agree it should be destroyed.
That's HK for you; lots of sentimental emotion but tempered with a large dollop of reason!
Hey, even Keith's autistic children are on the Koreans' side and they don't normally respond to anything. These guys seem to have caught their imagination and they're going down to Victoria Park after school each day to view them in their natural habitat. Isn't it odd? I wonder about the attraction. Maybe it's the combination of mega-violence and niceness!
I seem to be the only person to remember they said they planned to douse themselves in petrol at this Sunday's rally and set themselves alight. I keep mentioning this to people who say they're planning to join them and the dumb ones say "Oh, I'm sure they won't." and the clever ones say "Well, there's the Catholic Korean Farmers League which is full of priests and nuns. I'm sure they won't. We'll march with them instead." I think I may do this too ... depending on what Gats is, naturally!
I think what turned the tide for the Koreans was returning the police shields after the last battle. Did you see that one? It was on the news. This Korean rioter managing to wrench a police shield off a policeman and then looking around, perplexed, as if he didn't know what to do next. And then he grinned and returned it. HK just LOVED it.
Also, there was a strange incident within this battle; young riot policeman was pulled from the police line into the huge mob of Koreans and we all thought he would be ripped limb from limb. Then he comes out from the back of them perfectly alright and smiling! Seems the Koreans pulled him into the middle of the fray, patted him on the back a few times and said "Good fight!' then passed him back into where it was safe. Made front page of all the Chinese newspapers.
And there interviews in these papers from the frontline farmers and they said they didn't want to hurt HK police because they could see from their eyes that they weren't like the evil, vicious Seoul police; that HK police were normally gentle and merciful. So sweet! Doesn't that just make you melt?
And HK has certainly melted! Sogo in Causeway Bay - which at any given time has the second largest number of people in one space anywhere in the world - clears a space for them to put on nightly drumming concerts and residents and shoppers line up in the thousands to sign Korean petitions to "junk Gats" ... whatever they are.
So keep an eye out for what happens on Sunday. I'm hoping they won't burn.Also, since they're so nice, maybe you could do your bit to help them by finding a petition to sign calling for WTO to "junk Gats" ... depending on what Gats are, of course!
2009 - The upshot of all this was that I instantly lost interest in Gats when I discovered that Fijians were there too protesting that WTO was seriously screwing us over in our international sugar dealings. That's when I went off marching with them, waving my big Fiji flag ... no, wait, I only then had a tiny flag back then, and it's hard to do really energetic protesting when you only have a winsy little flag-on-a-stick. That's when I promised myself I'd get myself a huge one, more normally seen at HK7s. Word to the wise: get yourself a big flag. You never know when you're going to need one.
Oh, and with the Koreans being so well-organised and dominating the streets and the news, Fiji's protest, and the Thai protest (against how they're getting screwed over with their hand-woven silks), didn't get a single look-in ... but not to worry. Fiji managed to get in their very own news grabbing Wan Chai Riot in March this year. A little late, sure, but at least we did it!
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