But that aside, what you should do with your spare millions is give it to me to buy you art.
Gosh, I'm so good at this. Wayyy before anyone has even heard of an artist, turns out I'm able to predict that they're ready to go mega strataspheric!
Remember how I was telling you back in early 2003 to buy ...
... back when you could buy his work for US$6,000. And you could only find him at Schoneli Gallery. Now you get nothing below US$16 million.
These are the three brothers who all look identical and refuse to tell you which one made/painted what. I predicted them being "the next big thing" also in 2003, and now you would be lucky to find a single piece for less than US$1 million.
And then, over the years, I've been telling you about these guys ...
... and now they too will set you back zillions.
Well, my prediction for the next BIG artist who you can still buy relatively cheaply (you can no longer buy modern Chinese art for bargain basement prices since the world now knows they exist.) but who, I promise you, will go mega, mega, MEGA is ...
All these paintings at the HK Art Exhibition will be up for auction next weekend and I'm promising you this will be your last chance to buy him:
More Hua Qing.
Last chance, folks, so buy, buy, buy.
My other recommendations are these ones, although I didn't record their names because I don't think they're going to do mega, mega, MEGA to the same extent, although they are very definitely artists you should immediately invest your spare millions in:
My other recommendations are these ones, although I didn't record their names because I don't think they're going to do mega, mega, MEGA to the same extent, although they are very definitely artists you should immediately invest your spare millions in:
I have to tell you that none of these paintings are even close to being my favourites in the 2009 Exhibition, but I'm predicting mega-greatness for them because they have "a glamour" to them, and by "glamour" I mean the old sense of the word; the original meaning; that witchy-word meaning "appearing to be under a spell of enchantment".
Well, these are the paintings I see as being "enchanted" and it's how I picked my previous "buy, buy, buys! and I definitely nailed all of them.
Must now go to the auction and see if ... if I can afford any of them. Not because I like them, but just because I need more retirement investments.
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