Wednesday, May 13, 2009

WTO Riots - December 2005 - Part 3

Found another letter. This was the very first one about our week "on the frontline":

The first WTO protest just marched under our window. Marching bands, jugglers, fan dancers, acrobats, Chinese costumes, dragon drummers, and several hundred banners saying things like "90 Million People killed by CCP", "Destroy CCP: Reinstate China", "Restore Freedom in China", "6 million killed by CCP 2004", and I was most proud of myself for being able to read the calligraphy which said "Heaven Destruct CCP" (although it may have said "Sky typhoon CCP") Very colourful, exciting and well organised.

If they are all like this one, I'm wondering now why HK was so panicked. (Fingers crossed!)

I think HK, when it put up its hand to host this WTO Conference, (Ooops, I accidentally typed McConference. There's a Freudian slip!), it wasn't expecting this Protest side of it, but it serves them right. Just goes to show what happens when a country such this one is forever chronically bored by whatever happens outside its own borders and thus pays no attention to foreign news.I mean, Korean Farmers Protests have featured large at the previous two, and didn't they burn down part of Seattle?

It's going to be an interesting week next week. Naturally, I'll let you know all.

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